Institut für Rechtsfragen der Freien und Open Source Software

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ifrOSS OSS Case Collection



Name LG Mannheim, Vergleich v. 27.12.2021, Az. 7 O 2/21
Parties Ayuso, Welte, Kedlecsik v. McHardy
Subject Comparison with GPL enforcement
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Name OLG Karlsruhe, Urteil v. 13.11.2020, Az. 6 U 60/20
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Subject Wordpress Theme: viral effect of the GPL-2.0 copyleft clause or simple licence infringement
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Name OLG Hamburg, Urteil v. 28.02.2019, Az. 5 U 146/16
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Subject Right to claim of authors of GPL-licensed software
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Name LG Hamburg, Urteil v. 20.11.2017; Az. 308 O 343/15
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Subject Contractual penalty for GPL infringement, internal equalisation of co-authors, cease-and-desist
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Name OLG Hamm, Urteil v. 13.06.2017, Az. 4 U 72/16
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Subject Liability and damages in cases of a GPL infringement
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Name LG Köln, Urteil v. 20.10.2017, Az. 14 O 188/17
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Subject Injunction in the case of a GPL infringement (not final, settled on appeal)
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Name LG Hamburg, Urteil v. 08.07.2016, Az. 310 O 89/15
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Subject Right to claim of authors of GPL-licensed software
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Name LG Bochum, Urteil v., Az. I-8 O 294/15
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Subject Liability and damages in cases of a GPL infringement
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Name LG Halle, Urteil v. 27.07.2015, Az. 4 O 133/15
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Subject Risk of re-infringement after the conditions of the GPLv3 have been complied with (Section 8-3 GPL-3.0) (Commentary at ifrOSS)
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Name LG Hannover, Urteil v. 21.07.2015, Az. 18 O 159/15
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Subject Injunctive relief for GPL infringement and inadequate declaration to cease and desist
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Name LG Leipzig, Beschluss v. 02.06.2015, Az. 05 O 1531/15
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Subject Cease and desist order due to GPL infringement
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Name OLG Köln, Urteil v. 31.10.2014, Az. 6 U 60/14
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Subject non-commercial use under CC-BY-NC 2.0 (unported); damage compensation in cases of non-commercial use (Commentary at ifrOSS)
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Name LG Köln, Urteil v. 17.7.2014, Az. 14 O 463/13
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Subject GPL source code transferred to LGPL; infringer gain
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Name LG Köln, Urteil v. 05.03.2014, Az. 28 O 232/13
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Subject non-commercial use under CC-BY-NC 2.0 (Commentary at ifrOSS)
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Name LG Hamburg, Urteil v. 14.06.2013, Az. 308 O 10/13
Parties Welte v. Fantec GmbH
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Name LG Berlin, Urteil v. 08.11.2011, Az. 16 O 255/10
Parties AVM v. Cybits
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Name LG Bochum, Teilurteil v. 10.02.2011, Az. I-8 O 293/09
Parties adhoc dataservice GmbH v. Buhl Data Service GmbH
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Name LG Hamburg, Urteil v. 10.12.2010, Az. 406 O 50/10
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Subject Subscription trap
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Name LG Berlin, Beschluss v. 08.10.2010, Az. 16 O 458/10
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Subject Creative Commons-Licence „Attribution – ShareAlike 3.0 Unported“
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Name LG München I, Urteil v. 12.07.2007, Az. 7 O 5245/07
Parties Welte v. Skype Technologies S.A.
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Name LG Frankfurt a.M., Urteil v. 06.09.2006, Az. 2-6 O 224/06
Parties Welte v. D-Link Deutschland GmbH
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Name LG Berlin, Beschluss v. 21.02.2006, Az. 16 O 134/06
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Subject WLAN-Router
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Name LG München I, Urteil v. 19.05.2004, Az. 21 O 6123/04
Parties Welte v. Sitecom Deutschland GmbH
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Name OLG Köln, Urteil v. 30.9.2016, Az. 6 U 18/16
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Subject Open LIMS (Commentary at ifrOSS)
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Name OLG Düsseldorf, Urteil v. 24.04.2012, Az. 1-20 U 176/11
Parties satco europe GmbH v. Dream Property GmbH
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Name OLG Düsseldorf, Urteil v. 28.09.2010, Az. I-20 U 41/09
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Subject xt: commerce
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Name BPatG, Beschluss v. 17.12.2009, Az. 25 W (pat) 65/08
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Subject „Linuxwerkstatt“ (§ 8 Abs. 2 Nr. 1 MarkenG)
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Name BPatG, Beschluss v. 30.09.2008, Az. 33 W (pat) 1/07
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Subject “Open Source Broker”
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Name US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, 2022-02-18, Cas No. 21-16029
Parties Neo4j, Inc. v. PureThink, LLC
Subject Confirmation (preliminary procedure) that when licencing under the AGPL-3.0 with its ‘Commons Clause’, the ‘Commons Clause’ may not be removed and the software may be designated as open source software. (Commentary at Software Freedom Conservancy)
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Name US District Court, N.D. California, 2021-05-18, Case No. 5:18-cv-07182-EJD
Parties Neo4j, Inc. v. PureThink, LLC
Subject Confirmation (preliminary procedure) that when licencing under the AGPL-3.0 with its ‘Commons Clause’, the ‘Commons Clause’ may not be removed and the software may be designated as open source software.
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Name US District Court, N.D. California, 2020-11-13, Case No. 5:19-cv-06226-EJD
Parties Neo4j, Inc. v. Graph Found., Inc.
Subject Confirmation (preliminary procedure) that when licencing under the AGPL-3.0 with its ‘Commons Clause’, the ‘Commons Clause’ may not be removed.
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Name US District Court, E.D. New York, 2017-02-24, Case No. 16-CV-1462 (DRH)(ARL)
Parties Great Minds v. Fedex Office and Print Services Inc.
Subject Copies by commercial providers on behalf of a non-commercial licensee as non-commercial use within the terminology of Creative Commons 4.0-BY-NC-SA international (Commentary at Creative Commons)
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Name US District Court, N.D. California, San Francisco Division, Case No. 17-cv-04002-LB
Parties Open Source Security, Inc. & BRADLEY SPENGLER v. Bruce Perens
Subject Dismissal of a defamation action due to a discussion about the interpretation of the GPL (specifically the scope of the ‘further restrictions’ prohibition) in a blog post
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Name US District Court, N.D. California, 2014-05-16, Case No. 5:13-cv-05161-PSG
Parties XimpleWare v. Versata et al
Subject (Commentary at ifrOSS)
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Name US District Court, W.D. Texas, 2014-03-11, Case No. A-14-CA-12-SS
Parties Versata v. Ameriprise
Subject (Commentary at ifrOSS)
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Name N.D.Tex. 2009-01-16, Case No. 3:2007cv01767
Parties Chang et al v. Virgin Mobile USA LLC et al
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Name US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, 2008-08-13, Case No. 2008-1001.
Parties Jacobsen v. Katzer
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Name US Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, 2006-11-09, Case No. 06-2454.
Parties Wallace v. IBM
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Name US District Court Southern District of Indiana, vom 2005-11-28, Case No. 05-618.
Parties Wallace v. FSF
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Name Cour d’appel de Paris, 2024-02-14, Case No. 2/18071
Parties Entr’ouvert v. Orange
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Name Cour de Cassation, 2022-10-05, Case No. 21/15.386
Parties Entr’ouvert v. Orange
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Name TGI de Paris, 2019-06-21
Parties Entr’ouvert v. Orange
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Name Cour d’appel de Paris, 2021-03-19
Parties Entr’ouvert v. Orange
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Name Cour d’Appel de Paris, 2009-09-16, Case No. 04/24298
Parties AFPA v. EDU 4
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Name TGI de Paris, 2007-03-28, Case No. 05/16916
Parties S.A. Educaffix v. CNRS
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Name Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China, 2023-10-312, Case No. (2021) No. 51
Parties Wangjing vs. Yibang, et al
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Name Wenshu Court, 2021-03-30, Case No. Yue 03 Min Chu No. 3928
Parties Jining Luohe Network Technology Co., Ltd. v. Fujian Fengling Chuangjing Technology Co., Ltd et al
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Name Tribunale di Venezia, Urteil v. 13.12.2021
Parties Ovation s.r.l. v. Nerds Farm s.r.l.
Subject Copyright
Licence GPL-3.0
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Name Audiencia Provincial de Madrid, Sección 28, 2007-07-05, Case No. 150/2007
Parties Sociedad General de Autores y Editores (SGAE) v. Buena Vistilla club social
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Name Audiencia Provincial de Alicante, Sección 8, 2007-04-02, Case No. 111/2007
Parties Sociedad General de Autores y Editores (SGAE) v. Bowling Sur S.A.
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Name Juzgado de Primera Instancia nº 6 de Badajoz, 2006-02-17, Case No. 15/2006
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Subject Disco Bar Metropol
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Name Juzgado de lo Mercantil nº 5 de Madrid, 2006-02-02, Case No. 12/2006
Parties Sociedad General de Autores y Editores (SGAE) v. Asociacion cultural ladinamo
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Name District Court of Jerusalem, 2011-01-06, Case No. CA 3560/09, CA 3561/09
Parties -
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Name Rechtbank Amsterdam, 2006-03-09, Case No. 334492 / KG 06-176 SR
Parties Curry v. Audax
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Name Tribunal de première instance de Nivelles, 2010-10-26, Case No. 09-1684-A
Parties Allard et al v. Festival de Theatre de Spa
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