Homepage > Creative Commons Case Collection
ifrOSS Creative Commons Case Collection
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AG Frankfurt, Urteil v. 05.01.2022, Az. 30 C 4113/20 (47) |
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Subject |
No damage compensation in the case of a violation of CC licences or of the GNU FDL. No reimbursement of warning costs if licences are not correctly named in the formal warning. |
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OLG München, Urteil v. 20.05.2021, Az. 6 U 4750/20 |
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Subject |
No compliance with the licence conditions of CC-BY-SA-3.0 on Twitter and Facebook through linking, necessity of own compliance with licence obligations in a social media post |
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LG Hamburg, Urteil v. 10.12.2020, Az. 310 O 62/20 |
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Subject |
Contractual penalty for a CC-BY-SA 2.0 violation |
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AG Hamburg, Urteil v. 06.10.2020, Az. 18b C 500/19 |
Parties |
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Subject |
Ineffective formal warning for a CC-BY-SA 2.0 violation, necessity to involve a lawyer |
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AG Aschaffenburg, Urteil v. 23.07.2020, Az. 34 C 2436/19 |
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Subject |
Negative declaratory action in the event of a formal warning due to CC-BY-SA 3.0 DE, ‘Cityscape Berlin’ |
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OLG Frankfurt, Urteil v. 22.10.2019, Az. 11 U 95/18 |
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Subject |
Confirmation of the ruling LG Frankfurt v. 16.08.2018, Az. 2-03 O 32/17 |
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AG Aschaffenburg, Urteil v. 24.10.2019, Az. 126 C 837/19 |
Parties |
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Subject |
No damage compensation for a CC-BY 2.0 violation |
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AG Hamburg, Urteil v. 24.05.2019, Az. 32 C 83/19 |
Parties |
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Subject |
No damage compensation for a CC-BY-SA 2.0 violation |
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AG Würzburg, Urteil v. 18.12.2018, Az. 18 C 611/18 |
Parties |
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Subject |
Abusive enforcement of CC licences |
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AG Würzburg, Urteil v. 11.10.2018, Az. 17 C 1149/18 |
Parties |
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Subject |
Successful declaratory action for compensation due to an infringement of CC-BY-SA 3.0 |
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LG Köln, Urteil v. 08.11.2018, Az. 14 S 50/16 |
Parties |
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Subject |
Declaratory action dismissed in the case of a CC BY-SA 3.0 violation |
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Name |
LG Frankfurt, Urteil v. 16.08.2018, Az. 2-03 O 32/17 |
Parties |
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Subject |
Negative action for a CC-BY-ND 2.0 violation in the case of a formal warning by an association, no calculation according to MFM |
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OLG Köln, Urteil v. 13.04.2018, Az. 6 U 131/17 |
Parties |
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Subject |
No damage compensation for a CC-BY-SA 3.0 violation |
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AG Kiel, Urteil v. 31.05.2018, Az. 111 C 7/17 |
Parties |
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Subject |
No effective formal warning in the case of the assertion of an infringement of a Creative Commons licence by the ‘Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property on the Internet’ |
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Name |
OLG Köln, Urteil v. 13.04.2018, Az. 6 U 131/17 |
Parties |
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Subject |
No claim for compensation for the infringement of a Creative Commons licence |
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AG Bochum, Urteil v. 11.04.2018, Az. 70 C 471/17 |
Parties |
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Subject |
Commercial use of works under CC-BY-NC 3.0, amount of damages EUR 100,- |
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Name |
AG Würzburg, Urteil v. 23.01.2018, Az. 34 C 1105/17 |
Parties |
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Subject |
Successful action for a declaratory judgement following a damages claim due to a CC-BY-SA 3.0 infirngement |
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LG Köln, Urteil v. 08.06.2017, Az. 14 O 331/15 |
Parties |
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Subject |
Damages for a CC-BY-SA 3.0 infringement, 50 EUR in damages and another 50 EUR for the lack of a copyright attribution in the case of a professional photographer |
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Name |
LG Hamburg, Beschluss v. 18.11.2016, Az. 310 O 402/16 |
Parties |
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Subject |
Liability for linking to a Creative Commons licenced work |
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Name |
AG Köln, Urteil v. 17.11.2016, Az. 148 C 307/16 |
Parties |
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Subject |
Declaratory judgement granted for damages related to a CC BY-SA 3.0 violation |
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Name |
LG Köln, Urteil v. 01.09.2016, Az. 14 O 307/15 |
Parties |
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Subject |
Omission and compensation for damages related to a CC-BY-SA 3.0 violation |
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Name |
OLG Köln, Urteil v. 29.06.2016, Az. 6 W 72/16 |
Parties |
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Subject |
No damages claim for the infringement of a Creative Commons licence |
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LG München, Beschluss v. 17.12.2014, Az. 37 O 8778/14 |
Parties |
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Subject |
A mouseover is not sufficient for attributing credit under CC-BY 3.0 Unported |
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Name |
LG München, Urteil v. 10.12.2014 Az. 21 S 2269/14 |
Parties |
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Subject |
Forfeiture of a contractual penalty for the breach of a CC licence |
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Name |
OLG Köln, Urteil v. 31.10.2014, Az. 6 U 60/14 |
Parties |
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Subject |
non-commercial use under CC-BY-NC 2.0 (unported); damage compensation in cases of non-commercial use (Commentary at ifrOSS) |
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Name |
LG Köln, Urteil v. 05.03.2014, Az. 28 O 232/13 |
Parties |
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Subject |
non-commercial use under CC-BY-NC 2.0 (Commentary at ifrOSS) |
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Name |
AG München, Urteil v. 14.01.2014 Az. 155 C 29842/12 |
Parties |
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Subject |
Infringement of CC-BY-SA 3.0 due to mouseovers and damage compensation |
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Name |
LG Köln, 23.07.2013 - 28 O 325/13 |
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Name |
AG Düsseldorf, 06.11.2013 - 57 C 15202/13 |
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LG Frankfurt am Main, Urteil v. 05.09.2013, Az. 2-03 S 11/12 |
Parties |
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Subject |
GEMA presumption and Creative Commons |
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AG Frankfurt am Main, Urteil v. 27.08.2012, Az. 32 C 1286/12-48 |
Parties |
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Subject |
GEMA presumption and Creative Commons |
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Name |
LG Berlin, Beschluss v. 08.10.2010, Az. 16 O 458/10 |
Parties |
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Subject |
Creative Commons-Licence „Attribution – ShareAlike 3.0 Unported“ |
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Name |
US Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, 2019-12-27, Case No. D.C. No. 2:17-cv-07435-JFW-E |
Parties |
Great Minds v. Office Depot, Inc. |
Subject |
Copies by commercial providers on behalf of a non-commercial licensee as non-commercial use within the terminology of Creative Commons 4.0-BY-NC-SA international |
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Name |
US District Court, Eastern District of Kentucky Central Division, 2018-07-10, Case No. 5:2017cv00173 |
Parties |
Philpot v. LM Communications II of South Carolina, Inc. |
Subject |
Enforcement of CC-BY-2.0 Generic due to an omitted copyright attribution |
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Name |
US District Court, Central District of California, 2018-01-18, Case No. CV 17-7435-JFW (Ex) |
Parties |
Great Minds v. Office Depot, Inc. |
Subject |
Copies by commercial providers on behalf of a non-commercial licensee as non-commercial use within the terminology of Creative Commons 4.0-BY-NC-SA international |
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Name |
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, 2018-01-08, Case No. 1:17-cv-822 |
Parties |
Philpot v Media Research Center Inc. |
Subject |
Enforcement of CC-BY-3.0 due to an omitted copyright attribution, fair use |
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Name |
US District Court, E.D. New York, 2017-02-24, Case No. 16-CV-1462 (DRH)(ARL) |
Parties |
Great Minds v. Fedex Office and Print Services Inc. |
Subject |
Copies by commercial providers on behalf of a non-commercial licensee as non-commercial use within the terminology of Creative Commons 4.0-BY-NC-SA international (Commentary at Creative Commons) |
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United States District Court for the District of Columbia, 2015-08-18, Case No. 14-1043 (ABJ) |
Parties |
Drauglis v. Kappa Map Group, LLC |
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United States District Court for the Northern Distict of Texas, 2015-08-18, Case No. 3:2007cv01767 |
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Chang et al v. Virgin Mobile USA LLC et al |
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Name |
Audiencia Provincial de Madrid, Sección 28, 2007-07-05, Case No. 150/2007 |
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Sociedad General de Autores y Editores (SGAE) v. Buena Vistilla club social |
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Name |
Audiencia Provincial de Alicante, Sección 8, 2007-04-02, Case No. 111/2007 |
Parties |
Sociedad General de Autores y Editores (SGAE) v. Bowling Sur S.A. |
Subject |
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Name |
Juzgado de Primera Instancia nº 6 de Badajoz, 2006-02-17, Case No. 15/2006 |
Parties |
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Subject |
Disco Bar Metropol |
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Name |
Juzgado de lo Mercantil nº 5 de Madrid, 2006-02-02, Case No. 12/2006 |
Parties |
Sociedad General de Autores y Editores (SGAE) v. Asociacion cultural ladinamo |
Subject |
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Name |
Rechtbank Amsterdam, 2006-03-09, Case No. 334492 / KG 06-176 SR |
Parties |
Curry v. Audax |
Subject |
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Tribunal de Premiere Instance de Nivelles, 2010-10-26, Case No. 09-1684-A |
Parties |
Allard et al. (Lichôdmapwa ) v. Festival de théâtre de Spa |
Subject |
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